Obligatory it’s-a-new-year-therefore-I-must-write-about-the-forthcoming-year post.
In 2020, the main thing I want to do is finish off my sci-fi novel that I posted about last month. I think this is achievable, but this is my first time writing a novel so who knows! As long as I don’t get distracted then I will make a lot of progress even if it isn’t suite finished by the end of the year.
Speaking of distractions, I played Zombicide: Invader last night and I enjoyed it, but more than anything it made me want to go back to Spaceship 47 and finish it off! These games always have longer set up time than needed and as much fun as we had I still think it could’ve flowed better without constantly looking up rules. I am so tempted to keep going with Spaceship 47, but I really need to get the novel done.
Anyway, I hope everything has a great 2020!